What Age Group is Right for My Ballplayer?
NBSA has a program to suit all boys and girls ages 4 to 18. But it can be confusing to figure out where your child belongs. NBSA follows Little League rules to determine age divisions. For baseball, the age group is determined by a child’s age on April 30 of the current year. For softball, age is determined based on January 1 of the current year. These age rules are strictly followed with exceptions only on a case-by-case basis for children with disabilities or special needs. See the policy below under FORMS for NBSA's policy on moving players up to the next age group league.
NBSA Committees Need You
NBSA is always seeking parent volunteers to help in many roles great and small. In addition to coaching, our Fundraising and Concessions committees are always looking for new members to help with these important functions that help to keep NBSA afloat. If you are interested in serving in any capacity on the Concessions Committee or in expressing your interest in helping with fundraising events like Night at the Races, please get in touch with us.
Geographically Speaking
Ever wonder if you have to live in Brighton Heights to play for NBSA? The answer is: Absolutely not. While the majority of our players do come from the immediate area, NBSA rosters also included players from West View, Ross, Bellevue, Avalon, Spring Hill, Troy Hill, the West End, Coraopolis, Montour, and Moon.
Teeball FAQs
What Happens After Registration?
Before the season begins, please secure a teeball glove for your child. Around mid-April, you will get an introductory phone call from your child’s coach. Then plan to attend Teeball Night at McDonald's (date TBA - details to follow).
What Does My Child Need to Play?
At the start of the season, your child will receive a uniform, which should be worn to each session. Balls and bats will be provided by the league. However, your child is welcome to bring an aluminum teeball bat of his/her own. Players should bring their glove, uniform, and a desire to play. Spikes/cleats are not required but are growing in popularity. Players may wear tennis shoes you don’t mind getting dirty. Water bottles also are recommended. Please plainly mark your child’s possessions with permanent marker, as teeballers often leave their things behind.
When Does Teeball Meet?
Teeball meets Tuesday evenings (Only 4 Tuesdays) from 6-7:30 pm and Saturday morning practice/games from 9:30-11:00 pm. Those days never change, even in the case of rainouts. We will meet for eight weeks. In the event of excessive rainouts, we likely will extend the season by a week. Your child will receive a medallion at the end of the season (late June) during a season-ending picnic.
How Does the Season Work?
How Can I Help?
The best way to help is to get out there and get dirty with your child. Essentially, every single teeball parent is an assistant coach and encouraged to take an active part in the on-field experience. Any parent interested in helping — on the field or off — should not hesitate to let their coach know. They would love to have your help.
Do I Have to Work the Concession Stand?
What is A-Level (Advanced TeeBall)?
We would like to form 2 to 4 teams of “advanced” teeball players, who will advance through learning the skills of baseball and softball faster than the other teams. If your child has already played 1 year of tee ball, can pay attention to their coach, consistently field and catch balls thrown or hit to them, hit the ball without using a tee, and throw to their intended target, then you can check the box on your registration to place your child on one of the “A-Level” teams.